McMaster University – Dr. John R. Evans February 4, 2008

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Report from Dr. Stephanie Atkinson, FCIHR Board member and Host of the Institutional visit to McMaster University:

“It was indeed a pleasure for The Faculty of Health Sciences and Michael Degroote School of Medicine at McMaster University to celebrate the Henry G. Friesen International Prize in Health Research to Dr. John Evans, the founding Dean of McMaster’s Medical School. Dr. Evans captured the attention of a packed theatre of McMaster scientists by proposing that to attain increased growth in research funding we cannot just keep doing more of the same but must develop novel initiatives that resonate with government and the public and that are complementary to the general strategic directives of government policies. Quoting from Kevin Lynch, Evans stated that such future initiatives must be, “Innovative, Imaginative, Intelligent, with public policy at its heart”.

Key research leaders at McMaster rose to Evan’s challenge and put forward thoughtful suggestions in the realm of research process, and how to engage in commercialization that engages government. While recognizing the advances made in health research since the inception of CIHR, suggestions were made on how to improve excellence and productivity in research while building research capacity through attractive programs for young researchers. Looking beyond borders, several spoke to the importance of international health service opportunities, and why it is vital for Canada to engage in global health research. All agreed that we need strong leadership to forge new paths to shape future research policy in our country.

Dr. Evan’s visit on February 4, 2008 included a tour of the refurbished Clinical Learning Lab (now outfitted with simulated non-human patients) and the new high tech Health Sciences library appointed in Canadian Aboriginal & First Nations art. A reception was held in the new C. Barber Mueller History of Health & Medicine Room where glass cases displayed memorabilia of John Evan’s contributions to the development of the McMaster Medical School over 35 years ago – a fitting tribute to the founder of medical education at McMaster.”

First Dean leads research discussion

Published February 6, 2008

Courtesy of McMaster University:

John Evans, the founding dean of what is now the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, talks with John Kelton, dean and vice-president of the Faculty of Health Sciences during a visit to McMaster this week.

Dr. Evans gave a lecture and sparked discussion on the future of health research in Canada with senior scientists of the Faculty. He is the winner of the prestigious 2007 Friesen Award given by the Friends of the Canadian Institutes for Health Research.

Since establishing the medical school in 1965, Dr. Evans has had a career spanning education, public health, government service, charitable foundations and corporate leadership. He is currently the chair of the Board of Directors for the Medical and Related Sciences (MaRS) Discovery District in Toronto.

— Photo by Mike Lalich

2007 Friesen International Prizewinner

Dr. John R. Evans, Chair of MaRS Discovery District

Institutional visit – McMaster University
February 4, 2008

Dr. John Kelton, Dean and Vice-President, Faculty of Health Sciences, introduces Dr. John Evans (pictured on screen), prior to his lecture and discussion on, “The Infinite Horizon of Health Research: Is Canada Visible?”. A packed lecture hall of McMaster faculty, staff and students gathered to celebrate Dr. Evans receipt of the Henry G. Friesen Prize in International Health Research.

Dr. John Evans and long-time colleague and friend Dr. David Sackett, internationally acclaimed epidemiologist, share a special moment at the Reception following Dr. Evan’s lecture and discussion to celebrate his Friesen Prize in International Health Research. Drs. Evans and Sackett were two of the pioneers of problem-based learning at McMaster.

Dr. John Kelton, Dean and Vice-President, Faculty of Health Sciences, points out to Dr. Evans the recent renovations to the Health Sciences library to make it high tech and comfortable for students to learn, with particular attention to the fostering of opportunities for small group learning.

Dr. Evans enjoys reminiscing about the creation of McMaster University Medical School (MUMC) and building of the Health Sciences Centre as he leafs through a book entitled, “Architects’ Evaluation upon completion of McMaster University Health Sciences Centre”, (May 1973) written by Eberhard Zeidler who designed the building. The book was a parody of the dozens of planning reports Zeidler’s firm created throughout the planning of MUMC, which was finally opened in May 1972. The cover of the parody is black while the real planning reports are white – it caught Evan’s eye immediately he spied it in the display case and was a source of great memories of his pioneering role in development McMaster’s Medical School. A collection of memorabilia pictures and books from circa 1970s is permenantly housed in the new C. Barber Mueller History of Health & Medicine Room in the Health Sciences Library. For the occasion of Dr. Evan’s visit to McMaster, the collection was on display in two large glass cases.