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Archives – Past Activities [2001 – 2006]

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For a more complete record of our past activities, visit our Archived web site:

2006 Symposium

“Addressing the Acute Shortage of Clinician Scientists in Canada”

Winnipeg Convention Centre, Winnipeg Manitoba, May 4, 2006

Held in collaboration with the CIHR National Research Forum for Young Investigators in Circulatory and Respiratory Health.

PDF Program

PDF Proceedings

2005 Symposia
“Overcoming Barriers to Canada’s Global Competitiveness in Health Research”
Rideau Club, Ottawa Ontario, May 11, 2005
Held in conjunction with the 7th annual Ottawa Evening

PDF Proceedings

“The Scientist and the Media: Quality Information for Health and Safety”

Winnipeg Convention Centre, Winnipeg Manitoba, April 28, 2005

Held in collaboration with the CIHR National Research Forum for Young Investigators in Circulatory and Respiratory Health.


2004 Symposium
“The Economic and Socioeconomic Impact of Investments in Health Research: Translating scientific knowledge for economic, social and health sector benefits”
Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 6, 2004
Held in conjunction with the National research Forum for Young Investigators in Circulatory and Respiratory Health.


2003 Symposium
“The Translation of Genomic Science to Social Well-Being and Human Health”
Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa Ontario, May 14, 2003
Held in conjunction with The Ottawa Evening.

PDF Proceedings

2002-2003 Calendar
“Honouring the Past and Celebrating the Future”
Calendar commemorated the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the DNA structure and other world achievements. Includes annotated scientific images suitable for framing.

2002 Symposium
“Academic Freedom: Paradigms in Conflict”

Calgary Hyatt Hotel, Calgary Alberta, April 29, 2002

2001-2002 Calendar
“A Celebration of the Institutes of CIHR”

A 16-month calendar with selected images featured achievements in the areas of scientific enquiry of the13 institutes of CIHR.

PDF Calendar

2001 Inaugural Symposium
“Interdisciplinary Research in the Health Sciences”

Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto Ontario, April 30, 2001

PDF Summary of Proceedings