Alan Bernstein, Lorne Tyrrell and Andrew Pipe appointed to the Order of Canada

July 4, 2002

OTTAWA - Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General of Canada, today announced 99 new appointments to the Order of Canada including new Officers Dr. Alan Bernstein and Dr. D. Lorne Tyrrell and new Member Dr. Andrew Pipe.

Alan Bernstein, O.C.
Toronto & Ottawa, Ont.

He is one of Canada's premier health research scientists and administrators. Known as a pioneer in gene therapy, he is a leader in the field of experimental science and has been active in promoting and advancing biomedical research in Canada. Former Director of Toronto's Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, he is currently the inaugural president of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canada's major federal funding agency for this area. His volunteer roles are varied and numerous and include 12 years as advisor to the National Cancer Institute of Canada, where he served on the board of directors and as Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Research.

D. Lorne J. Tyrrell, O.C., A.O.E.
Edmonton, Alta.

He has brought Canada to the forefront of medical research. He led the University of Alberta team that pioneered the development of an antiviral therapy for the treatment of chronic Hepatitis B. His work has brought hope to millions of patients as well as international accolades. This world-renowned virologist is Dean of the University's Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, and Director of the Glaxo Heritage Research Institute. Equally admired for his teaching abilities and for his great dedication to patients, he is a champion of quality medical health care and leads numerous provincial and national associations, task forces and committees.

Andrew L. Pipe, C.M.
Ottawa, Ont.

He has a long and distinguished record of volunteer leadership in sports medicine and health promotion. A researcher, physician and administrator at the Ottawa Heart Institute, he has served as the team doctor for several national sports teams and as Chief Medical Officer for the Canadian Olympic team. Prominent in the fight against drug use in sport, he led the establishment of the Canadian Centre for Drug-Free Sport (now the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport) and served as its chair and spokesperson. In addition, he was the driving force behind the creation of Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada and is one of our foremost leaders and advocates in the anti-smoking campaign.