View Pre 2023 FCIHR YouTube videos here


“How Can Better Federal-Provincial Collaboration Strengthen Canada’s Research Ecosystem?”
Link to CSPC2018 – Panel 122.


2018 Friesen Prize Lecture at U Ottawa – Nov. 6
Dr. David Naylor, 2018 Friesen Prizewinner

Left to Right: Dr. Lorne Tyrrell, Director, Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology, U Alberta; Dr. Bernard Jasmin, Dean of Medicine, U Ottawa; Dr. Henry G. Friesen, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, U Manitoba; Dr. Alex MacKenzie, Senior Scientist, CHEO Research Institute and FCIHR Executive; Dr. Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada; Dr. David Naylor, 2018 Friesen Prizewinner and Emeritus President, U of T; Dr. Aubie Angel, President, FCIHR; Dr. Janet Rossant, 2016 Friesen Prizewinner and President, Gairdner Foundation; Dr. Alan Bernstein, 2017 Friesen Prizewinner and President, CIFAR; Dr. Bruce McManus, CEO, PROOF Centre, Prof. Medicine, UBC and FCIHR Executive; Dr. Linda Rabeneck, President, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) and FCIHR Board member.